Sunday, June 26, 2005


I have been in Marvin once, as a passenger on a short - 10 minute - journey.

Yesterday I did my maiden drive.................

OMG - was I shocked or what - I couldn't reach the handbrake because it's under the dash somewhere on the passenger side, I could hardly see through the 2 foot high windscreen because the wipers lay diagonally across it and the steering wheel must surely be from a double decker bus. I am convinced I went around all the 'corners' (was going to say bends but anyone who knows me knows I have been round the bend for years) on two wheels. Apologies to the man stood on the first corner, he looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights as I screeched round, screaming, as I was convinced Marvin was going onto his side.

Neil howled with laughter at my attempt throughout the short ride - to the booze shop - and he ended up driving back, both of us in need of the booze we had just purchased.

I'm not sure who I sympathise with the most, pedestrians, other road users or Neil - having to put up with me, and operate the handbrake, all the way to Mongolia.

I loved it!!!!!!!!!! Look out Mongolia!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to worry, sure 2CV's can't go fast ;)

3:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe... I did my maiden drive in our 2CV the other day.

Such a laugh! I loved all the attention!

Look forward to seeing you at the start!

4:29 pm  

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